The table  below shows those referenses in the comment "The New Judgment against Hakan Lans - A Further Step in a Planned Judicial Crime!" which are available by links. The links are indicated in the order in which they appear in the comment. Destination "I" means that the link leads to a file on this website, and destination "O" that the link leads to some other site on the web.
The name of the link in the endnotes

The destination of the link

Properties of the link

The motion for reconsideration I pdf, 61 KB
Memorandum opinion I pdf, 80 KB
The Judgment against Hakan Lans - A Planned Judicial Crime? I pdf, 137 KB
The assignment declaration I pdf, 37 KB
The clarification contract I pdf, 36 KB
The Federal Circuit's pronouncement O  
The color graphics patent, 1 O  
The color graphics patent, 2 O  
Bruce A. Lehman's declaration I html, 74 KB
Mastriani's affidavit I pdf, 1.0 MB
Louis Mastriani's deposition, January 27, 2005 I pdf, 293 KB
The court proceedings, March 24 I pdf, 298 KB
The court proceedings, March 25 I pdf, 491 KB
AMS's post-hearing brief I pdf, 1.5 KB
The fax of February 19, 1997 I pdf, 24 KB
Hakan Lans's deposition, January 26, 2005 I pdf, 175 KB
Hakan Lans's post-hearing brief I pdf, 73 KB
Below are some further links which, even if they are not referred to in the comment, still are of interest in the context.
Hakan Lans's motion for reconsideration html - 31 KB
The motions hearing on December 8, 2004 pdf, 99KB
Judge Penn's order about an evidentiary hearing on March 24th pdf, 87 KB
AMS prehearing brief pdf, 375 KB
Prehearing brief of Hakan Lans and Uniboard pdf, 1.17 MB
Declaration of Bertil Grennberg pdf, 246 KB
Post-hearing brief of Gateway/Dell pdf, 10 KB
Objection from Hakan Lans and Uniboard pdf, 41 KB
Objection from Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg pdf, 575 KB
Reply of Hakan Lans and Uniboard in support of their objection pdf, 912 KB
Judge Penn's Memorandum order concerning the post-hearing brief from Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg - pdf, 49 KB